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Best Weight Loss Programs

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  • Noom’s 5–minute quiz unlocks a weight loss program customized for you – now with GLP-1 options – so you can manage your health and form habits that last.

On Noom's Website.

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Quick Comparison
& Insights

Noom focuses on psychology and behavior change for long-term weight loss, while GOLO uses a proprietary supplement and calorie restriction for faster results. Noom offers more flexibility with no food restrictions, but GOLO provides more structure with specific meal plans.

Recommends specific meal plans
Allows all foods without restriction and focuses on making balanced choices
Provides support through a personal coach
No clinical data
One study finding 78% of users lost weight over 9 months of using the app
Insulin reduction through supplements
Psychology-based approach focused on lifestyle changes
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Learn more about our favourite weight loss program for 2024.
Start Weight Watchers today for only $10 per month.
Quick Comparison
& Insights

Noom focuses on psychology and behavior change for long-term weight loss, while GOLO uses a proprietary supplement and calorie restriction for faster results. Noom offers more flexibility with no food restrictions, but GOLO provides more structure with specific meal plans.

Allows all foods without restriction and focuses on making balanced choices
Allows all foods without restriction and focuses on making balanced choices
Provides support through a personal coach
No clinical data
One study finding 78% of users lost weight over 9 months of using the app
Insulin reduction through supplements
Psychology-based approach focused on lifestyle changes
Get Started →


Noom and GOLO both aim to help users achieve their weight loss goals, and they employ different methodologies. You can get your free Noom trial here.

This article delves into a comprehensive comparison of Noom and GOLO to help you make an informed decision based on their features, benefits, and methodologies.

Key Takeaways
  • Noom focuses on behavioral change to promote sustainable weight loss.
  • GOLO addresses insulin resistance to manage weight and improve overall health.
  • Both programs offer community support, but differ in their approach to nutrition and exercise.
Noom and GOLO highlight a shift from just calorie-counting to a more holistic weight management strategy. They blend behavioral change and insulin control, reflecting a broader understanding of weight loss dynamics in the health community.
Noom vs GOLO


Noom is a popular weight loss app and program that takes a psychology-based approach to help users lose weight through developing healthy eating habits. Some key features of Noom include:

  • A personalized calorie budget and weight loss plan based on your goals and information provided in an initial quiz. Calorie budgets range from 1200-1600 calories per day typically.
  • A color-coded food logging system that categorizes foods as green (most healthy), yellow, and red (least healthy). This system aims to promote eating more nutritious foods.
  • Short daily lessons on topics like nutrition, psychology, and exercise to educate users on healthy living.
  • A personal goal specialist coach who provides daily feedback and support through the app's messaging system.
  • Peer support groups to connect with other users.
  • Exercise and weight tracking features.

Does Noom Work for Weight Loss?

Research on Noom's effectiveness is limited but initial studies are promising. One 2016 study of nearly 36,000 Noom users found that 77.9% lost weight over 9 months of using the app. Those who logged their dinner most often and used the app consistently saw the greatest weight loss of around 10% on average.

However, long-term results past 1 year are unknown and more rigorous comparative studies are needed. Success seems heavily dependent on user engagement with the app features like logging and groups.

Noom's personalized meal plans hint at dieting's future, where genetic insights craft individualized diet recommendations. This advancement could make weight loss journeys more precise and predictable, revolutionizing diet adherence and effectiveness.



  • Encourages eating more nutritious whole foods through its color-coded logging system.
  • Provides education on healthy living habits beyond just diet advice.
  • Daily coaching and group support system may help with accountability and motivation.
  • Flexible approach that doesn't completely restrict foods.


  • Fairly expensive at $60-100 per month minimum.
  • Calorie budgets around 1200 calories may be too low for many users.
  • Success requires consistent engagement with the app which can be difficult to maintain.
  • Coaches are not necessarily certified experts.
  • Limited evidence on long-term weight loss maintenance.


Noom's Color System

Noom is a weight loss program that uses a color-coded system to categorize foods based on their caloric density and nutrient content. The system is designed to help users make healthier food choices and manage portion sizes. Foods are sorted into three categories: green, yellow, and orange. Users are encouraged to consume most of their calories from the yellow category, about 45%, up to 30% from the green category, and a smaller 25% from the orange category

Noom Yellow Foods List

The yellow category includes foods that are denser in calories compared to those in the green category, but they are still healthy and nutrient-rich. They should be enjoyed in moderation

Here is a list of some yellow foods according to Noom:

  • Lean Proteins: Steak, fish, turkey, chicken breast, pork, lamb, canned tuna, sushi
  • Fruits: Olives, dried apricots, prunes, canned pineapples, avocado, plantain
  • Dairy: Low-fat yogurt, 2% low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese
  • Snacks: Hummus, fruit cup, banana pancake, rice pudding, acai bowl
  • Beverages: Diet sodas, ginger beer, vodka soda, grapefruit juice, light beer, orange juice, fruit smoothie, unsweetened cranberry juice
  • Legumes: Lentils, edamame, baked and refried beans, tempeh, chickpeas
  • Condiments: Gravy, oyster sauce, cacao powder, balsamic vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, pizza sauce
Other yellow foods include salmon, whole eggs, lean ground beef, black beans, tofu, English muffins, and 1-2% milk

Upfront Costs

  • Subscription fees: Noom requires an upfront subscription fee that ranges from $60-200 per month depending on the plan length. Longer plans (8-12 months) offer the lowest monthly cost.
  • Customized meal plan: Noom offers a personalized meal planning service for an additional $129 one-time fee.
  • DNA testing: Noom provides optional DNA-based diet and fitness plans for a one-time fee of $149.

Ongoing Costs

  • Coaching: Access to Noom coaches is included with the subscription fee. However, the level of coaching provided depends on the plan.
  • Food: Noom does not provide meals, so users must pay for their own groceries and food. Following Noom's color-coded food recommendations may increase grocery costs.
  • Supplements: Noom may recommend optional supplements which add to costs.
  • Weight loss maintenance: Long-term costs may be incurred if needing to renew Noom to maintain weight loss after the initial subscription ends.
Noom’s pricing model showcases how digital health platforms are making wellness investments flexible and accessible. This trend not only democratizes health services but could also prompt proactive health management, potentially leading to long-term healthcare cost savings.

Key Considerations

  • Total cost depends heavily on subscription plan selected and duration. Yearly plans offer the best value.
  • Food, supplement, and meal plan costs add to base subscription fee costs.
  • Long-term weight loss maintenance may require renewing subscription after the initial period.
  • Noom requires smartphone and internet access which also add to costs.
  • Compare costs to alternatives like Weight Watchers or free apps.

Lifestyle Compatibility with Noom

Noom stands out for its adaptability to modern, hectic lifestyles, offering a seamless, app-based platform that can be accessed at any time, from anywhere. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of their eating habits and desiring to make sustainable changes. Here's why Noom might be the better fit for your lifestyle:

  • Flexible and Convenient: Noom's mobile app allows for easy engagement with the program, fitting effortlessly into busy schedules.
  • Behavioral Focus: The program's emphasis on psychological and behavioral adjustments aids in developing a deeper connection with food and lifestyle choices.

The Science Behind Noom

Noom's foundation in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles sets it apart, focusing on altering behaviors and attitudes towards food for enduring health advantages. This psychological approach not only supports weight loss but also encourages overall well-being enhancement:

  • Evidence-Based: Noom's strategies are grounded in scientific research, aiming to foster lasting behavioral changes.
  • Holistic Well-being: The program goes beyond mere weight loss, promoting a comprehensive improvement in users' health.

User Experience with Noom

Noom's app is celebrated for its user-centric design and engaging features, which significantly contribute to the program's effectiveness. The app's intuitive interface, combined with interactive elements, ensures a motivating and informative journey towards weight loss:

  • Engaging and Interactive: Features like food logging, daily lessons, and progress tracking keep users engaged and motivated.
  • User-Friendly Design: The app's design enhances the overall user experience, making it easier to stay on track with weight loss goals.

Sustainability with Noom

Noom advocates for a gradual approach to weight loss, teaching users to make healthier food selections and modify their behavior around food. This strategy is key to achieving and maintaining long-term results:

  • Long-Term Success: Noom's approach is designed for sustainability, helping users maintain their weight loss achievements post-program.
  • Healthier Choices: By educating users on food choices, Noom promotes a balanced and sustainable eating pattern.

Customization with Noom

At the heart of Noom's success is its personalized approach, offering customized plans that cater to each individual's unique goals, preferences, and psychological makeup:

  • Tailored Plans: Noom creates plans that are specifically designed to meet the personal goals and preferences of each user.
  • Effective and Sustainable: This personalized touch ensures that the program not only fits into the user's life but is also more likely to yield sustainable results.

In comparison, GOLO might offer a structured plan with a focus on insulin management, but Noom's flexibility, scientific basis, user-friendly experience, emphasis on sustainability, and customization make it a comprehensive choice for those looking to make lasting changes to their health and lifestyle.

GOLO vs Noom


On the other hand, GOLO aims to address insulin resistance, which is believed to play a crucial role in weight gain and metabolic disorders. GOLO's approach emphasizes the right way to lose weight to achieve a healthier state and maintain the results​3​.


  • Release Supplement: GOLO provides a supplement known as Release to help manage insulin levels, promoting weight loss and metabolic efficiency.
  • Metabolic Plan: GOLO includes a metabolic plan to guide users on proper nutrition and exercise to improve insulin efficiency.
  • Community Support: Similar to Noom, GOLO offers a community platform for users to share experiences and support each other in their weight loss journey.
Meal Type GOLO Diet Suggestion
Lunch Turkey and avocado wrap with a side of mixed greens
Dinner Stir-fried vegetables with tofu or chicken and brown rice


The pricing details for GOLO's packages and supplements can be found on their official website.

Pros and Cons

Every program has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these can aid in making an informed choice.

Noom: Pros and Cons

  • Utilizes an app-based platform, making the weight loss program easily accessible.
  • Employs science-backed lessons that are centered on behavior modification.
  • Features an easy-to-understand food classification system using red, yellow, and green colors.
  • Gives participants more control over their food choices.
  • Can be affordable when the payment is made annually.
  • Includes personal coaching and robust community support for its users.
  • The requirement for daily weigh-ins might be problematic for individuals with a history of disordered eating.
  • The program may not suit those who require frequent check-ins for accountability.
  • Monthly payments can make the program quite expensive.

GOLO: Pros and Cons

  • Aims to balance hormones and insulin levels to enhance fat burning.
  • Provides users with a specific and structured meal plan.
  • Introduces a supplement named "Release" to aid in reducing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, and supporting fat loss.
  • Grants access to coaching and a supportive community.
  • Participation in the weight loss plan is contingent upon purchasing their supplement.
  • Overall, it can be more expensive than other weight loss plans.
  • Offers less extensive community support in comparison to Noom.
  • Depends on taking a supplement with meals for optimal results.

Advantages of Noom:

  • Comprehensive app with user-friendly interface.
  • Personalized coaching tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Strong emphasis on mental wellness and behavioral change.

Advantages of GOLO:

  • Focus on addressing insulin resistance, a root cause of weight gain for many individuals.
  • Includes a supplement to aid in managing insulin levels.


Disadvantages of Noom:

  • Subscription cost may be a deterrent for some individuals.
  • Requires consistent logging of food and exercise, which may be tedious for some users.

Disadvantages of GOLO:

  • Lack of personalized coaching.
  • The necessity of taking a supplement may not appeal to everyone.

Feature Comparison

When comparing Noom and GOLO side by side, several features stand out. Here’s a look at how they compare:

PersonalizationHighly personalized coaching based on individual goals.Standard metabolic plan.
Approach to Weight LossBehavioral change and calorie tracking.Insulin management through a supplement and metabolic plan.
Community SupportYes, through the app.Yes, online community.
PricingMonthly or Annual Subscription.Cost of supplement and metabolic plan.
EffectivenessUsers report sustainable weight loss over time.Users report weight loss and improved metabolic health.

Difference Between GOLO and Noom

Understanding the key differences between Noom and GOLO can help you determine which weight loss program aligns best with your lifestyle and goals. Here's what sets them apart:

Approach to Weight Loss

Noom is recognized for its app-based approach, utilizing psychology to foster behavior change for sustainable weight loss. The program is grounded in cognitive behavior therapy to help users alter their relationship with food and adopt healthier habits.

GOLO takes a different route by emphasizing the balance of hormone levels, particularly insulin. Their strategy includes the use of supplements, regular exercise, and a diet rich in nutrients to achieve weight loss goals.

Food Tracking Systems

Noom incorporates a color-coded system, guiding users toward healthier food choices while still allowing for flexibility in their diet. This system aims to educate users without the need to completely restrict any specific food groups.

Conversely, GOLO promotes the consumption of whole foods and advises against processed foods to enhance insulin sensitivity and support hormonal balance.

Insulin Management

A cornerstone of the GOLO program is its focus on insulin management. This is facilitated by their 'Release' supplement and a diet structured to regulate blood sugar levels.

Noom, however, does not prioritize insulin management within its program. It is more centered on psychological changes and fostering habits that users can maintain in the long run.

Supplement Requirements

A notable requirement of the GOLO diet is the consumption of the 'Release' supplement, which is a part of their weight loss regimen.

On the other hand, Noom does not require or promote any specific weight loss supplements, focusing instead on diet and lifestyle changes.


When it comes to cost, Noom operates on a subscription model, with fees charged monthly. This subscription provides access to the app, including personal coaching and various other resources designed to assist with weight loss.

GOLO presents a different pricing structure, involving a one-time purchase that includes the GOLO Diet plan and the cost of their Release supplements.

Customer Feedback

Customer satisfaction is a crucial indicator of a program's effectiveness and user-friendliness. Noom boasts a higher satisfaction score on Trustpilot, securing a rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars from an impressive pool of over 63,000 reviews.

GOLO, while also rated on Trustpilot, has a lower score of 3.4 from 779 reviews, suggesting a more varied user experience.

Dietary Approach

  • Noom: Focuses on psychological aspects to instill long-term healthy habits.
  • GOLO: Centers around managing insulin levels through a structured diet and supplement regimen.


  • Noom: Subscription-based with monthly costs.
  • GOLO: Initial supplement cost plus associated dietary expenses.

Support System

  • Noom: Provides a personal coach and community support.
  • GOLO: Offers coaching and educational resources for a well-rounded support system.
Feature Noom GOLO
Dietary Approach Psychological coaching for long-term habits Managing insulin levels with structured diet and supplements
Cost Subscription-based Supplement cost + Dietary expenses
Support System Personal coach and community Coaching and educational resources

Final Thoughts

Noom and GOLO demonstrate how digital solutions can personalize weight management beyond just calorie tracking. Noom's behavior-focused and GOLO's insulin-centered approaches offer unique paths to better health. The personalized meal plans by Noom hint at a future where diets are tailored to individual needs.

Additionally, the flexible pricing models make wellness more accessible. As we explore various health platforms, Noom and GOLO stand out, paving the way for a more personalized and accessible approach to achieving our health goals. Our readers have found the most success with Weight Watchers - a safe, clinically proven weight loss program.


GOLO vs Noom vs Weight Watchers

Features and Approaches

  • GOLO focuses on addressing insulin resistance and includes a supplement named Release to manage insulin levels. It promotes a metabolic plan and offers community support but lacks personalized coaching​​.
  • Noom takes a psychology-based approach, offering a personalized calorie budget, color-coded food logging, daily lessons, and personal coaching. It emphasizes eating nutritious whole foods and provides peer support groups​​.
  • Weight Watchers, known for its points system, provides in-depth progress reports, meal planners, coaching tools, and personalized recipes. It emphasizes a flexible approach to diet, focusing on a balance of SmartPoints and ZeroPoint foods​​. Learn more about Golo vs Noom vs Weightwatchers here.

Pros and Cons

  • GOLO's strengths lie in its focus on insulin resistance and metabolic efficiency. However, the necessity of taking a supplement and the lack of personalized coaching might not appeal to everyone​​.
  • Noom is praised for its educational content and flexible approach but can be expensive and requires consistent engagement with the app​​.
  • Weight Watchers offers a variety of meal options and robust support systems, but adapting to its points system might take time for new users​​.

Pricing and Accessibility

  • GOLO charges for its supplements and program access, and detailed pricing can be found on their official website.
  • Noom costs around $60-100 per month, providing a comprehensive app experience with user-friendly interfaces​​.
  • Weight Watchers offers various subscription plans, often seen as more affordable when compared to similar programs.

Effectiveness and Support

  • GOLO and Noom both offer community platforms for users to share experiences and support each other.
  • Weight Watchers provides a community support system, including coaching and a user-friendly app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whats Better Noom or GOLO?

When comparing Noom and GOLO, both programs offer unique methods for weight loss, tailored to meet various personal preferences and needs. To decide which program may be more beneficial for you, consider the following advantages and disadvantages of each.

Can I use both Noom and Golo at the same time?

It's possible to combine aspects of both programs, such as using Noom's app for tracking food intake and Golo's diet plan. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before combining different weight loss programs.

How quickly can I expect to see results with Noom or Golo?

Weight loss results vary depending on individual factors, such as starting weight, commitment to the program, and adherence to the plan. Generally, healthy weight loss is considered to be 1-2 pounds per week.

Do I need to exercise while following Noom or Golo?

Both Noom and Golo encourage incorporating physical activity into a portion control your routine for overall health and weight loss benefits. The programs do not require specific exercise regimens, but regular physical activity can help accelerate weight loss and improve overall health.

Are there any side effects associated with the Golo Release supplement?

Golo's Release supplement is made from natural ingredients, and most users do not report any significant side effects. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.

Can I follow Noom or Golo if I have dietary restrictions or food allergies?

Both Noom and Golo meal plans can be adapted to accommodate various dietary preferences and restrictions, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or lactose-free diets. In the case of Noom, you can discuss your dietary needs with your personal coach to ensure the program is tailored to your requirements. For Golo, you can make substitutions and adjustments to the meal plan to meet your specific needs. However, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet.

By thoroughly understanding the differences between Noom and Golo, you can make an informed decision on which weight loss program best suits your needs and goals. Remember, the key to successful weight loss is finding a plan that you can commit to and enjoy, while also considering your individual preferences and lifestyle.


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On Noom's Website.

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