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  • Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

On Prolon's website.

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The ProLon Diet offers a unique fasting-mimicking approach designed to promote longevity and health.

Users often report weight loss and improved metabolic markers, though the restrictive nature may pose challenges.

Clinical studies support its benefits, making it a scientifically-backed option for those seeking a structured fasting regimen.

Key Takeaways
  • Cellular Rejuvenation & Metabolic Reset: Targets cellular health, rejuvenation, and metabolism.
  • Fat-Focused Weight Loss: Aims to promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.
  • Longevity Support: Marketed as the only nutrition program patented for promoting longevity and healthspan.
  • Easy-to-Follow Plan: Pre-packaged meals and guides make it simple to adhere to the program.
  • Science-Backed: Developed and clinically tested by 18 global universities, led by Dr. Valter Longo.
  • Flexible Purchase Options: Subscription-based savings or one-time purchase available.
Prolon fasting mimicking diet
Figure 1 - Prolon Diet; Ageyn Review

What is Prolon

ProLon is a 5-day dietary program aimed at delivering the benefits of fasting without completely depriving one of food. This Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) claims to promote health span by encouraging the body's natural rejuvenation processes through a carefully designed, plant-based food kit.

stages of fasting for weight loss
Figure 2 - 6 Stages of Fasting for Weight loss

Fasting Mimicking Diets: Explained

Fasting Fasting-mimicking diets are a novel approach to traditional fasting, where the goal is to achieve the benefits of a fast while still consuming a minimal amount of food. The idea is to trick the body into entering a fasting state, which, according to research, could have numerous health benefits.

As nutrition science progresses, there might be a future where Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) plans like ProLon could offer personalized meal programs based on an individual's unique genetic makeup, health status, and goals. This personalization could potentially maximize the benefits and minimize any risks associated with such diets.

How ProLon Achieves the Benefits of Fasting


ProLon diets are based on 20 years of research and are designed to induce a process called autophagy, where cells self-cleanse.


Healthy Aging

The fasting mimicking diet has been studied for its effects on longevity and healthy aging.

Key Factors: The University of Southern California has backed ProLon’s research, adding credibility to its claims.

What’s Included in the ProLon Kit

The ProLon FMD comes with a 5-day meal program that includes plant-based energy bars, soups, a variety of snacks, drinks, and supplements all designed to nourish the body and promote cellular rejuvenation.

Day Items Included
1 Nut bars, Olives
2 Soup, Algae Oil
3 Tea, Crackers
4 L-Drink, Choco Crisp
5 Kale Crackers, Tea

Prolon Cost and Where to Buy

ProLon FMD is priced at a premium, reflecting the research and formulation behind the product. It's available for purchase on the official website and some other online platforms. Discounts are often available for recurring subscriptions or multiple purchases.

  • One-Time Order: $190
  • Subscription Option: $170 every 4 months (Save $20)
  • You can add a Signature Water Bottle: $7.50
  • HSA/FSA eligible

5-Day Fasting Nutrition Program

  • Price: $190
  • Purpose: This package provides all the nutritional items you need for a 5-day cellular rejuvenating fast.

Nutrition Program with FMD Soup Blend Variety 3

  • Price: $170 (Discounted from $190)
  • Purpose: Similar to the original 5-Day Fasting Nutrition Program, this also includes a variety of soup blends.

ReSet 1-Day Kit

  • Price: $39
  • Purpose: This is a one-day all-inclusive kit designed to offset, detox, and reset with fasting-mimicking nutrition.

Fasting Bars (Intermittent Fasting Bars)

  • Price: $34
  • Purpose: These bars are designed to nourish your body while keeping it in a physiological fasting state.


Key Factors to Consider:

  • Subscription Savings: Opting for the subscription model saves you $20 per order compared to the one-time purchase price.
  • Payment Flexibility: Being HSA/FSA eligible means you can potentially use pre-tax dollars to purchase the product, effectively reducing the real cost.
  • Frequency: The subscription is set to renew every 4 months, which may align with the recommended usage cycle (three 5-day cycles) mentioned on the website.
Figure 3 - Prolon FMD Kit

The Science Behind ProLon FMD

The diet is formulated by Dr. Valter Longo, a leading researcher in aging, nutrition, and disease. It's designed to provide the body with essential nutrients while keeping its response in a fasting mode. This state is believed to trigger autophagy, a cellular clean-up process, and promote stem cell regeneration.

User Experiences and Results

  • Star Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars, based on 2,074 reviews.
  • Response to Negative Reviews: The company replies to negative reviews within one week, addressing 33% of them.

Many users report feeling lighter, more energetic, and healthier post the 5-day diet. Some also claim a reduction in belly fat and an overall better mood and mental clarity. However, the experiences seem to vary widely among different individuals.

Building a community support system or digital platforms that offer guidance, tracking, and peer interaction might significantly enhance the experience and outcomes for individuals on the ProLon diet. These platforms could offer features like daily tracking, community forums, expert Q&A sessions, and personalized advice to keep individuals motivated and informed throughout their ProLon journey.

Evidence-Based Analysis

Clinical Studies: ProLon is based on over 20 years of scientific research and has undergone clinical trials. The key study cited by ProLon suggests that periodic FMD cycles can improve metabolic risk factors associated with poor health, aging, and age-related diseases (PubMed).

User Reviews: Reviews on TrustPilot are mixed. Some people have experienced elevated blood pressure, possibly due to high sodium content. Others reported positive outcomes, such as weight loss and improved blood pressure.


Comparison with Other Fasting Methods

  • Traditional Fasting: ProLon aims to provide benefits similar to traditional fasting but is designed to be more manageable and less strenuous on the body.
  • Intermittent Fasting: Unlike intermittent fasting, ProLon provides a set diet plan designed to elicit specific physiological responses.

Comparative Analysis:

When comparing the cost of ProLon to other health and nutrition programs, it is important to consider that ProLon is a specialized 5-day fasting program designed and clinically tested by 18 global universities.

This could justify the higher cost for some people, depending on their health goals and the value they place on the clinical backing of the program.

Preparing for ProLon FMD

Before embarking on the ProLon journey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially for individuals with pre-existing conditions or those on medication. Preparation also includes setting the right mindset and being ready for a unique dietary experience.


Competing Products and Alternatives

There are other fasting mimicking diets and products in the market, although none have the same level of scientific backing as ProLon. It's essential to explore and compare these alternatives to make an informed decision.

Prolon Review
Figure 4 - Prolon Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons of ProLon FMD


  • Scientifically Formulated: By a recognized expert in the field of aging and nutrition.
  • Convenient: Pre-packaged and ready-to-eat meals.
  • Potential Health Benefits: Like cellular rejuvenation and fat loss.


  • Price: Higher price point compared to other diets.
  • Restrictive: Limited food choices may not appeal to everyone.

Diet Comparison

Diet Ease of Use Scientific Backing Cost Duration Health Benefits Claimed
ProLon High High High 5 days Cellular rejuvenation, Fat loss, Reduced inflammation
Keto Moderate Moderate Moderate Long-term Weight loss, Improved energy, Better mental focus
Paleo Moderate Low Low Long-term Weight loss, Improved sleep, Better mental clarity
Vegan Low High Low Long-term Reduced heart disease risk, Lower cancer risk
The above comparison elucidates the unique position of ProLon in the market of dietary plans. It's a short-term, scientifically backed, albeit high-cost option for those looking to reap the benefits of fasting without going food-free.

Peer Reviewed Evidence for Fasting Mimicking

Fasting Mimicking Diets (FMDs) have ascended the ladder of nutritional sciences owing to their unique stance on caloric intake and their potential health benefits.

These diets resonate with the age-old practice of fasting while ensuring a modicum of nutrient supply to the body. The scientific community has delved into the evidence, and here's a glimpse of the peer-reviewed backing for FMDs:

  • Weight Loss Paradigm: The narrative of weight loss has seen a refreshing chapter with FMDs. A plethora of studies have underscored the potential of FMDs in inducing weight loss among overweight and obese individuals. A 2021 review elucidated that intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and FMDs can serve as effective strategies for weight management, although the long-term efficacy necessitates further scrutiny.
  • Cardiometabolic Revamp: The cardiometabolic realm has witnessed promising inklings with FMDs. These diets have shown a potential reduction in cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and insulin sensitivity. However, the long-term studies are the missing pieces of the puzzle that could provide a clearer picture
  • Anticancer Avenues: The anticancer potential of FMDs is a burgeoning area of research. Preclinical studies have proposed that FMDs might augment the efficacy of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and other cancer treatment modalities by modulating various biological mechanisms like tumor immunogenicity and immunosuppression
  • Alzheimer's Disease Mitigation: Alzheimer's disease, a neurological maze, has seen a ray of hope with FMDs. Animal-based studies have shown a reduction in Alzheimer's pathology and symptoms, with early human data indicating an upward trajectory in biomarkers, cognition, and overall well-being, albeit the optimal protocols and long-term efficacy remain an enigma
The curtain of evidence surrounding FMDs is gradually rising, unveiling a landscape rich with potential yet awaiting the robustness of larger, long-term studies. The preliminary peer-reviewed evidence paves the way for FMDs to be a non-pharmacological adjunct to standard medical treatments, a premise that could be solidified with further rigorous research.

Making an Informed Decision

Choosing a diet is a personal decision that should be made based on individual health goals, medical history, and lifestyle. ProLon offers a unique approach to fasting, with the convenience of pre-packaged meals and the backing of scientific research. Whether it aligns with your dietary goals is a personal choice, worth considering with the help of medical advice and thorough research.


Side Effects Reported with Prolon

Low Energy Levels

You may experience decreased energy, particularly during Days 2 and 3 of the ProLon fast.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Extended use of fasting mimicking diets like ProLon may lead to vitamin or mineral deficiencies if not done correctly.

Reactions to Soups and Other Ingredients

Some users have reported stomach discomfort after consuming ProLon soups like minestrone or tomato soup. Always check the ingredients for potential allergens.

Key Factors: Consult your healthcare provider before starting any fasting nutrition program, especially if you have existing health conditions.

Is Prolon Worth It?

Yes, in our opinion Prolon is worth it if you are interested in starting a 5 day Fast Mimicking Diet. If you're serious about embarking on a journey toward better health and longevity, ProLon's Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) could be a groundbreaking option for you.

This clinically tested program offers a scientifically designed approach to fasting, all while allowing you to eat specially formulated meals. With 32 clinical trials and endorsements from prestigious university research partners, ProLon stands as a unique and reliable choice for those looking to slow down biological aging, rejuvenate cells, and improve overall well-being.

Here are a few compelling reasons to try ProLon FMD:

  • Science-Backed: Over $36 million invested in R&D and 100+ global patents.
  • Physician Recommended: The program comes highly recommended by medical professionals.
  • Bioage Reduction: Three cycles of the 5-Day Fasting Nutrition can decrease your biological age by 2.5 years.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Tailored nutrition designed to mitigate age-related conditions while offering reported benefits like weight loss, increased energy, and reduced cravings.

Click here to explore ProLon FMD and take the first step toward a rejuvenated you.

Prolon FAQs

What is a Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD)?

A Fasting Mimicking Diet like ProLon is designed to provide the body with the nourishment it needs while tricking it into entering a fasting mode, which can potentially unlock various health benefits.

How does ProLon work?

ProLon provides a 5-day meal program that reduces your caloric intake while providing essential nutrients to support your body during this period.

What are the benefits of the ProLon diet?

Some of the potential benefits include cellular rejuvenation, fat loss, and reduced inflammation among others.

Who should try ProLon?

Individuals looking to explore the benefits of fasting without completely foregoing food might find ProLon to be a viable option. However, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet program.

How Much Does the ProLon 5-Day Fast Cost?

Prices can vary but expect to spend around $249 for a 5-day meal kit.

Can I Drink Coffee While on ProLon?

The program allows for one cup of black coffee per day.

What Is Included in the ProLon Box?

You'll receive soups, Fast Bars, L-drinks, algal oil, and kale crackers for each of the 5 days of your fast.

How is ProLon Different from Intermittent Fasting or a Water-Only Fast?

The ProLon 5-day fast mimicking diet is specifically designed to provide essential nutrients without breaking the fast, making it easier to follow than a water-only fast.


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Eat Different with Prolon Fasting

Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

On Prolon's website.

Eat Different with Prolon Fasting

Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

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