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Best Weight Loss Programs

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Weight Watchers vs Keto (2024)

Explore the contrasting methodologies of the Ketogenic diet and Weight Watchers (WW) in aiding weight loss. Delve into their unique health benefits, sustainability, support systems, and which might be the better choice for your long-term weight management goals. Discover a balanced perspective to make an informed decision on the right diet plan for you.

Article Summary

Explore the contrasting methodologies of the Ketogenic diet and Weight Watchers (WW) in aiding weight loss. Delve into their unique health benefits, sustainability, support systems, and which might be the better choice for your long-term weight management goals. Discover a balanced perspective to make an informed decision on the right diet plan for you.

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Rob's extensive expertise in evidence-based weight loss interventions, backed by rigorous peer-reviewed research, has established him as a credible authority in the field. As a clinical research associate (CRA), Rob has tested new applications for their effectiveness, risks and benefits to ensure that they are safe for consumers.

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Article updated on:

June 20, 2024

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  • Noom’s 5–minute quiz unlocks a weight loss program customized for you – now with GLP-1 options – so you can manage your health and form habits that last.
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Quick Comparison
& Insights

The keto diet causes rapid weight loss by severely limiting carbs to induce ketosis but is difficult to maintain long-term. Weight Watchers promotes sustainable weight loss through a flexible points system that encourages healthier eating habits.

Ketogenic Diet
Weight Watchers
Inexpensive, Keto does not require buying expensive pre-packaged foods or supplements
Flexibility in food choices as long as carbohydrates are restricted to 20-50 grams per day to induce ketosis
No foods off limits
Large online community that provides free recipes, meal plans, tracking tools
Group meetings & coaches
Leads to more weight loss compared to low-fat diets
Backed by clinical research 5% weight loss over 12/month
High-fat, low-carb approach that aims to achieve ketosis by severely restricting carbohydrates and increasing fat intake
Lifestyle changes & modern app to track WW points
Get Started →

Ketogenic Diet

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Weight Watchers

Learn more about our favourite weight loss program for 2024.
Start Weight Watchers today for only $10 per month.
Quick Comparison
& Insights

The keto diet causes rapid weight loss by severely limiting carbs to induce ketosis but is difficult to maintain long-term. Weight Watchers promotes sustainable weight loss through a flexible points system that encourages healthier eating habits.

Ketogenic Diet
Inexpensive, Keto does not require buying expensive pre-packaged foods or supplements
Weight Watchers
Ketogenic Diet
No foods off limits
Weight Watchers
No foods off limits
Ketogenic Diet
Large online community that provides free recipes, meal plans, tracking tools
Weight Watchers
Group meetings & coaches
Ketogenic Diet
Leads to more weight loss compared to low-fat diets
Weight Watchers
Backed by clinical research 5% weight loss over 12/month
Ketogenic Diet
High-fat, low-carb approach that aims to achieve ketosis by severely restricting carbohydrates and increasing fat intake
Weight Watchers
Lifestyle changes & modern app to track WW points
Get Started →

Weight Watchers

At Ageyn Health, we compare two popular weight loss diets, Weight Watchers and Keto, to help you make an informed decision about which one aligns best with your goals and lifestyle.

By examining their unique features, benefits, and drawbacks, we empower you with the necessary information to achieve your weight loss objectives. This comprehensive comparison provides a clear understanding of which diet is right for you.

Key Takeaways:
  • Weight Watchers offers a flexible approach to weight loss with a points-based system, allowing a variety of food choices.
  • Keto Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that pushes your body into a state of ketosis for rapid fat burning.
  • Both diets have their set of pros and cons, and the choice between them should align with your lifestyle, preferences, and long-term health goals.
Weight Watchers vs Keto

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers, now rebranded as WW, promotes a balanced diet and lifestyle change rather than restricting certain food groups. Here’s a deeper dive into what Weight Watchers entails:

Overview of Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is a commercial diet program based on a point system encouraging participants to eat fewer calories​1​. It has evolved over the years, embracing a holistic approach to weight loss and wellness.

Key Features of Weight Watchers

  • Point-based System: Every food and drink is assigned a point value based on its nutrition, encouraging participants to make healthier food choices within their daily point allowance.
  • Flexibility in Food Choices: Unlike restrictive diets, Weight Watchers allows you to enjoy a wide range of foods in moderation.
  • Community Support: With WW, you become part of a supportive community that shares the same weight loss and healthy living goals.

Benefits of Weight Watchers

  • Gradual Weight Loss: By following the point system, participants can experience a steady and sustainable weight loss.
  • Sustainable Lifestyle Change: The flexibility of food choices helps individuals build healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime.
  • Comprehensive App and Resources: WW provides a range of resources including a feature-rich app to track your progress, access healthy recipes, and connect with the community.

Keto Diet

The Keto Diet is starkly different from Weight Watchers, focusing on a low-carb, high-fat dietary intake to push the body into a state of ketosis for rapid weight loss​2​. The Keto Diet limits carbohydrate intake to about 10% of total daily calories, significantly lower than the recommended daily amount, pushing your body to use fat as its primary energy source.

Key Features of Keto Diet

  • Macronutrient Distribution: The diet emphasizes a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate distribution.
  • Ketosis: A metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.
  • Food Restrictions: Keto restricts many food groups including grains, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Keto Diet

  • Rapid Weight Loss: Individuals may experience quicker weight loss on Keto due to reduced insulin levels and the body burning fat for energy.
  • Blood Sugar Control: By limiting carbs, the Keto Diet can help manage and possibly reverse type 2 diabetes.
  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Some individuals report better focus and concentration while on a Keto Diet.
Weight Watchers vs Ketogenic Diet
Figure 1 - Weight Watchers vs Keto Diet


The Ketogenic diet and Weight Watchers (WW) are two popular diets both known to aid weight loss, albeit through divergent methodologies:

  • The Ketogenic diet emphasizes a very low carb intake (usually under 50g per day), moderate protein, and high fat to transition the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of carbs. This diet doesn’t necessitate any subscription or fees.
  • WW, on the other hand, employs a points system to promote consumption of high protein, high fiber, and low calorie foods. It allows all foods provided they fit within the daily points budget, though it requires a paid subscription for full access.
Key Features
  • Food Restrictions: While Weight Watchers provides more flexibility with food choices, the Keto Diet has more restrictive food guidelines.
  • Weight Loss Speed: Keto may offer quicker weight loss, whereas Weight Watchers promotes a more gradual and sustainable weight loss journey.
  • Long-term Sustainability: The flexibility of Weight Watchers may be more appealing for long-term adherence compared to the restrictive nature of Keto.

Weight Loss Effects

Both diets have been corroborated by research to be effective for short-term weight loss:

  • A particular study illustrated individuals on keto shedding 12 lbs in 12 weeks, contrasted by a 5.5 lbs loss by those on WW.
  • Another research highlighted keto leading to a loss of 18.5 lbs in 6 months versus a mere 6 lbs loss for WW participants.

Keto may offer a more pronounced weight loss due to several factors:

  • The state of ketosis potentially reducing appetite and cravings.
  • Lower insulin levels facilitating easier fat burning.
  • A higher metabolic rate compared to low-fat diets like WW.

However, the flexibility and moderation of WW could augment long-term sustainability compared to the restrictive nature of the keto diet.

Other Health Effects

  • Keto may extend beyond weight loss to offer unique health benefits such as improved blood sugar control, especially for diabetics, lower inflammation levels, and potential protection against certain cancers.
  • WW fosters overall healthy eating habits and lifestyle modifications, which could engender general health improvements stemming from weight loss.


There's a narrative of many regaining weight post-WW, while keto could potentially aid in long-term weight loss maintenance. However, the strict limitations of keto pose a challenge for lifelong adherence, a hurdle less pronounced in the more flexible WW.

Support and Cost

  • WW provides an encompassing support through its group meetings and coaches, albeit at a monthly cost of around $12-$34.
  • Keto, devoid of built-in support or fees, demands a higher degree of self-motivation.


  • Both diets are potent for short-term weight loss, with keto often delivering faster, more dramatic results.
  • Keto seems preferable for those seeking health benefits beyond weight loss.
  • For long-term sustainability and support, WW could be a better fit for some individuals.
When deliberating between keto and WW, consider your weight loss objectives, the level of dietary restrictiveness you're comfortable with, your need for support, and any prevailing health conditions. It's prudent to consult a healthcare provider to ascertain the most suitable diet for your circumstances.

Pros and Cons

Every diet comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a breakdown:

Aspect Weight Watchers Keto Diet
Food Variety Higher variety with a points system Restricted food groups
Speed of Weight Loss Gradual Rapid
Sustainability More sustainable May be challenging in the long term
Community Support Strong community support Online communities available

Personal Testimonies and Expert Opinions

Personal experiences and expert insights can provide a clearer understanding of what to expect from each diet. For instance, transitioning from Weight Watchers to the Keto Diet can be a smooth process with proper planning and education​. On the other hand, some individuals find the point system of Weight Watchers easier to adhere to and integrate into their daily lives.

Combining Weight Watchers and Keto

Interestingly, there’s a growing trend among dieters to combine the principles of Weight Watchers and Keto Diet. This approach allows individuals to experience the benefits of both diets, enhancing their weight loss journey.

How the Combination Works

  • Carb Management: By applying the low-carb principle of Keto while adhering to the points system of Weight Watchers, individuals can manage their carbohydrate intake effectively.
  • Community Support and Ketosis: Engaging with the supportive community of Weight Watchers while reaping the fat-burning benefits of ketosis from the Keto Diet can be a potent combination for weight loss.

One source discusses the possibility and methods of combining Keto with the Weight Watchers plan to reap the benefits of both diets​1​.

Transitioning Between Diets

Transitioning between Weight Watchers and Keto can be smooth with proper planning and education. Understanding the core principles of each diet will aid in making a seamless transition.

Steps for Transition

  • Educate Yourself: Learn the fundamental principles, benefits, and challenges of both diets.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with a nutritionist or a dietitian to ensure a safe transition.
  • Join Support Groups: Engage with communities of both diets to gain insights and support during the transition.
Transitioning from Weight Watchers to Keto is discussed in detail in one resource, providing a roadmap for individuals willing to switch between the diets​.

WeightWatchers Clinic's Innovative Weight Loss Approach

WeightWatchers Clinic offers a unique weight loss program, blending prescription medication and lifestyle changes. This method is especially effective for individuals facing weight loss challenges due to biological reasons. Members report an average weight loss of 15% over a 26-week period.

  • Medications Used: Includes GLP-1 receptor agonists like Semaglutide, Liraglutide, and Tirzepatide (weekly injections), and Naltrexone-Bupropion (oral).
  • Insurance Support: The clinic assists in finding cost-effective medication options through insurance.
  • Personalized Care: Program features individualized clinician care and a WeightWatchers membership.
  • Holistic Approach: Focuses on combining medical, nutritional, and lifestyle strategies for effective weight management.

The WeightWatchers Clinic stands out as a holistic solution for effective weight management, particularly for those who struggle with conventional weight loss methods.  Get started with Weight Watchers today.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which is Healthier: Keto or Weight Watchers?

Both diets can be healthy if adhered to correctly, but they approach nutritional wellness from divergent avenues.

Weight Watchers is more balanced and flexible, embracing all foods in moderation. It operates on a points system to encourage healthier choices and portion control. Numerous studies affirm the effectiveness of Weight Watchers for gradual, sustainable weight loss.

Contrarily, Keto is characterized by an extremely low carb, high fat regimen, aiming to trigger ketosis, a state where the body utilizes fat instead of carbs for fuel. Initially, Keto may lead to rapid weight loss, largely due to water loss, but its restrictiveness may pose challenges for long-term adherence.

Overall, Weight Watchers may be a healthier choice for most individuals as it is nutritionally balanced. Keto demands cutting out entire food groups and hasn't been studied extensively for long-term safety.

Is Weight Watchers Basically Keto?

No, Weight Watchers and Keto are fundamentally different diets:

  • Weight Watchers tallies points based on calories, fat, carbs, protein, whereas Keto strictly caps carbs to 20-50g per day.
  • Weight Watchers endorses all foods in moderation, while Keto abolishes most carbs and sugars.
  • Weight Watchers promotes exercise, whereas Keto zeroes in solely on diet.
  • Weight Watchers furnishes support resources like coaches and communities, a feature absent in Keto.
  • Weight Watchers facilitates gradual weight loss, contrasting with Keto that causes rapid weight loss initially through water loss.

In a nutshell, Weight Watchers is flexible, balanced, and pivots on lifestyle changes. Keto is extremely restrictive with carbs and triggers rapid water weight loss.

What is the Downside of Weight Watchers?

Some potential downsides of Weight Watchers encompass:

  • Costly subscription fees, especially for in-person meetings and coaching.
  • The process of tracking points and weighing in can feel tedious and potentially trigger unhealthy habits for some.
  • Its flexibility may tempt individuals to consume unhealthy processed foods that are low in points.
  • Gradual weight loss may feel slow-paced compared to more extreme diets.
  • Limited evidence regarding its effectiveness in improving cardiovascular health compared to other diets.
  • Lack of structure and stringent rules may not cater to everyone's needs.

Will I Gain Weight Switching from Keto to WW?

Transitioning from Keto to WW may initially lead to weight gain, but it should stabilize:

  • You may accrue 2-10 lbs of water weight as glycogen stores are replenished with the reintroduction of carbs.
  • There might be additional fat gain if caloric intake increases, especially from carbs.

To avert fat regain, focus on low-calorie, high-fiber carbs and lean proteins. Transition slowly from Keto and avoid a drastic uptick in carbs or calories. Diligent tracking of points will aid in controlling portions. Any initial water weight gain should stabilize.

What is the Downside of Keto?

Some potential downsides of the keto diet include:

  • It's very restrictive, excluding most fruits, grains, and starchy vegetables which can make it hard to sustain long-term.
  • Initial side effects like headache, fatigue, and nausea can be off-putting.
  • The higher fat intake could escalate heart disease risk.
  • There's a risk of nutritional deficiencies if vegetable intake is too low.
  • Potential for kidney, liver, and thyroid problems, making it unsuitable for those with certain medical conditions.
  • Lack of evidence on long-term safety necessitates further research.
  • Rapid weight loss is often unsustainable and could lead to rebound weight gain.
  • Absence of structured resources or support unlike what Weight Watchers provides.

Do People Really Lose Weight on Weight Watchers?

Yes, many studies show that individuals can lose significant weight on Weight Watchers:

  • In a 1-year study, Weight Watchers participants shed 8% more weight than those attempting weight loss independently.
  • A systematic review discovered Weight Watchers participants lost 2.6% more weight compared to control groups.
  • On average, members shed around 5-10 lbs in the first 6 months, according to Weight Watchers' claims.

So, evidence advocates that Weight Watchers can effectively foster gradual, sustainable weight loss for many adherents to the program.

Why are You Not Losing Weight on Weight Watchers?

Reasons for a weight loss plateau on Weight Watchers might include:

  • Overconsumption of zero-point foods like chicken breast and eggs, surpassing daily caloric needs.
  • Underestimating point values by not accurately weighing/measuring portions.
  • Overestimating exercise points earned.
  • Accumulating daily points for unhealthy foods instead of allocating them on healthy fats and proteins.
  • Inconsistent or inaccurate tracking of points.
  • A medical condition or medication interfering with weight loss.
  • Not ingesting enough calories to maintain a healthy metabolic rate.
  • Lack of dietary variation from day to day as our bodies adapt to routine.

Engaging with a WW coach, meticulous tracking, and varying food choices can help reignite weight loss. Medical causes might require professional treatment.

Do You Lose Weight Fast with Weight Watchers?

No, Weight Watchers champions gradual weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week on average. Swift weight loss is discouraged:

  • Losing weight at a slow pace allows the body to adapt and foster permanent lifestyle changes.
  • Rapid weight loss often precipitates rebound weight gain later on.
  • A loss rate of 1-2 lbs per week is deemed safe and sustainable.

While the scale may not plummet drastically each week, steady progress translates to long-term success. The program emphasizes lifelong healthy habits over mere short-term weight loss.

Can I Combine Keto and Weight Watchers?

It's plausible to amalgamate aspects of Keto with Weight Watchers, but it necessitates meticulous tracking to maintain ketosis:

  • Concentrate on high fat, low carb foods like meat, eggs, oils, and low carb vegetables.
  • Strictly confine carbs to 20-50g daily to sustain ketosis.
  • Allocate points on high fat foods like oils, cheese, nuts.
  • Weigh and document foods to ensure carb limitations are adhered to.
  • Achieving ketosis might be challenging with WW zero-point foods.

A simpler approach might be adopting a lower carb Mediterranean diet or intermittent fasting along with WW. Keto demands strict tracking and restriction that could pose challenges in the long-term.

Do Doctors Recommend Weight Watchers?

Yes, in a survey of over 500 doctors regarding weight loss programs, Weight Watchers emerged as the #1 program recommended by physicians for patients endeavoring to lose weight. The endorsement of Weight Watchers by doctors could be attributed to:

  • The promotion of gradual weight loss which is safer and more enduring.
  • The absence of off-limits or severely restricted foods.
  • The encouragement of exercise as part of the regimen.
  • The provision of social support and accountability.
  • The education on making healthier food choices.
  • The focus on lifestyle modifications rather than merely short-term weight loss.


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