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  • Noom’s 5–minute quiz unlocks a weight loss program customized for you – now with GLP-1 options – so you can manage your health and form habits that last.

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Looking for an honest Healthi review?

Discover how this app can streamline your health journey and address common challenges users face.

Learn from expert insights and user experiences to see if Healthi fits your needs and lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healthi offers six personalized plans to suit different dietary preferences.
  • The app includes a comprehensive food database and recipe builder.
  • Subscriptions range from $29.99 to $59.99 annually, with a free download option.
  • Healthi boasts a barcode scanner and integration with devices like Fitbit.
  • It provides access to a supportive community and a platform to share your progress.
Healthi Review

Healthi App Review

What is the Healthi App?

The Healthi app is a diet and food tracking application available on the App Store and Google Play.

It functions as a digital weight loss plan, offering features designed to help users manage their caloric and macro intake, and make informed food choices.

As a competitor to WW app and  Noom, Healthi aims to personalize the weight loss experience, making it easier to track food, conquer cravings, and stay within your nutritional goals.


  1. Food Tracking: Healthi assigns a BITE value to each food, which aligns with the user's weight loss plan. Users can track their daily BITES and monitor their progress.  The app also includes a barcode scanner for easy food tracking
  2. Meal Plans: Users can plan out their meals for the week, helping them stay on top of their tracking
  3. Community Support: The app provides a platform for users to connect with thousands of other members through in-app community forums. These forums are built around common interests or characteristics, providing a social aspect to the app
  4. Activity Monitor: In addition to food tracking, Healthi also has an activity monitor where users can track their physical activity
  5. Healthy Habit Check: This feature allows users to monitor their daily habits such as water intake or supplement usage
  6. Personalized Recommendations: The app provides personalized recommendations based on the user's goals


The Healthi app is free to download and use, but it also offers a Pro version with additional features. The Pro version has several pricing options:

  • $14.99 for a 15-day subscription
  • $19.99 for a 20-day subscription
  • $23.99 for a 24-day subscription
  • $29.99 for a 30-day subscription
  • $35.99 for a 36-day subscription
  • $44.99 for a 45-day subscription
  • $59.99 for an annual subscription

There is also a six-month subscription available for $24.99.

Pro Subscription

For those who are serious about their weight loss goals, Healthi provides a Healthi Pro upgrade.

This subscription includes additional tools to monitor your progress, like detailed food tracking, a more extensive food database, and personalized insights to help you lose weight effectively.

Integrating Smart Points and Tracking:

Similar to the WW plan, Healthi uses a points system, known as "Bites," to simplify calorie counting. Each food is assigned a specific number of Bites, which helps users manage their intake without feeling deprived.

This system supports portion control, making it easier to track your meals and stick to your weight loss plan.

Healthi Weight Loss Review

Meal Planning and Recipe Builder

Exploring meal plans tailored to various diets is straightforward with Healthi. Whether you're following a low-carb or high-protein diet, the app provides recipes and meal suggestions.

The recipe builder allows users to log and track food combinations, helping to limit sugar and carb intake according to their personalized plan.

Food Tracking with Barcode Scanner

One of the most convenient features of Healthi is its barcode scanner. Simply scan barcodes to log packaged foods directly into your food diary.

This function is especially useful when shopping or eating out, enabling you to make healthier choices on the go.

Connect and Sync with Fitness Devices

Healthi doesn't just stop at food logging. It syncs with fitness trackers like Fitbit, allowing users to incorporate exercise data into their weight management plan.

This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your health journey are accounted for.

My Personal Experience with Healthi: A Week's Journey

Last week, I embarked on a journey with the Healthi app to truly understand its impact on daily diet tracking and weight loss efforts. Here's my experience:

Day 1-3: Getting Acquainted

Initial setup was straightforward, and I chose the Balanced Plan aligning with my dietary preferences.

The BITE system intrigued me; it simplified tracking my meals. Using the barcode scanner made logging food items a breeze.

Healthi Review
Figure 2 - Healthi Signup & Pricing Comparison

Day 4-6: Exploring Features

I actively participated in the community forums, finding them a source of motivation and support.

The meal planning feature proved to be a game-changer, helping me organize my grocery shopping and avoid impulsive, unhealthy choices.

Day 7: Reflecting on Progress

By the week's end, I noticed a more mindful approach to eating. The activity monitor nudged me to be more physically active.

The Healthy Habit Check feature helped me monitor my water intake, a habit I often neglected.

The Healthi app's comprehensive approach towards diet and activity tracking, combined with community support, made my weight loss journey more structured and informed. It's a promising tool for anyone looking to embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Navigating the App

Screenshots of the Healthi app show a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of entering foods and tracking meals.

The tracker function is streamlined, encouraging users to consistently log their food intake.

Support and Community Engagement

Users aren't left to navigate their journey alone. Healthi provides access to a supportive community where you can share your progress and tips.

There's also the option to connect with a coach who can guide you through difficult periods in your weight loss journey.


Accessibility and Inclusivity

Healthi is free to download, with in-app purchases available for those who wish to upgrade. This makes the app accessible to a wider audience, regardless of their budget.

Comparing Healthi with WW and Noom

While all three apps — Healthi, WW, and Noom — offer personalized plans, food tracking, and community support, there are distinctions.

Healthi and WW use a point system, whereas Noom focuses on color-coded foods to teach portion control. In terms of cost, Healthi often comes in as a more budget-friendly option, especially when considering the WW offers and Noom’s pricing.

Pricing and Accessibility:

  • Healthi offers a more budget-friendly option with annual subscriptions ranging from $29.99 to $59.99, significantly lower than WW and Noom.
  • All three apps are available on both the App Store and Google Play, ensuring wide accessibility.

Dietary Tracking and Plans:

  • Healthi's unique BITE system simplifies tracking, whereas WW uses a points system, and Noom focuses on calorie density.
  • Healthi and WW offer personalized meal plans, but Healthi's broader range of plans provides more flexibility for different dietary needs.

Community and Support:

  • Healthi and WW both have strong community platforms for user interaction and support. Noom, however, places more emphasis on personalized coaching.

User Interface and Experience:

  • While all three apps boast user-friendly interfaces, Healthi and Noom stand out for their modern and intuitive design.
  • WW, while efficient, has a more traditional interface which might not appeal to all users

Overall Effectiveness:

  • All three apps are effective for weight management, but Healthi’s affordability and flexible meal plans make it an attractive alternative for users on a budget or with varied dietary preferences.

The Transition from iTrackBites to Healthi

The rebranding from iTrackBites to Healthi has brought forward a fresher, more modern interface and updated features. It signifies the app’s evolution in stepping up its capabilities to better compete in the digital weight loss plan market.

Free vs. Healthi Pro: Is Upgrading Worth It?

The basic version of Healthi is free to download and includes essential tracking capabilities. However, the Pro version, at $59.99 per year, offers extended features such as a more detailed food database, personalized insights, and additional food tracking tools.

For those committed to their weight loss journey, the Pro version may provide valuable support to help you stay on track.

The Core of Healthi: Meal Plans, Tracking, and Community

The heart of Healthi lies in its robust set of features aimed at fostering sustainable eating habits and weight management.

With options to explore meal plans, track your food, and engage with a community, the app provides a comprehensive platform for those aiming to achieve their weight loss goals.

Healthi Plans: A Closer Look at What's Offered

Healthi offers a variety of plans, including:

  • Carb Conscious: For those limiting sugar and focusing on lower-carb options.
  • Better Balance: A well-rounded plan emphasizing whole foods and balance.
  • Sugar Smart: Specifically designed to help users conquer sugar cravings.
  • Keeping Keto: Tailored for those following a ketogenic lifestyle.
  • Conquer Cravings: Helps manage and reduce unhealthy food cravings.

Each plan is designed to offer flexibility and cater to the diverse needs of users, whether you're looking to cut carbs or find a better balance in your diet.

Track Your Food Intake with Ease

Food tracking is made simple with Healthi. The app includes a food database with thousands of items, allowing for accurate logging of your daily intake. The barcode scanner works efficiently, adding convenience to the process.

Join a Supportive Community

The Healthi app doesn't only focus on the technical aspects of food tracking; it also fosters a sense of community.

Users can attend member meetings, explore forums, and even search restaurant menus together. This collective experience can be an essential factor in maintaining motivation and accountability.

Healthi and Its Impact on Weight Loss Results

The effectiveness of any diet app, including Healthi, can be subjective and vary from person to person. However, many users have reported positive weight loss results when consistently using the app's tracking and community features.

With its ability to help users manage their food intake and caloric allowance, Healthi can be a valuable tool in one's weight loss journey.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its advantages, some users may find the free version limiting, as it lacks some of the more advanced features offered by Healthi Pro.

Additionally, syncing issues with external devices like the Apple Watch can be a source of frustration for some.

Navigating the Healthi Pro Experience

For those considering the Healthi Pro subscription, understanding the full suite of features is crucial. Here's what Pro users can expect:

  • Advanced tracking numbers: A more granular look at your macro and calorie intake.
  • Personalized insights: Tailored feedback based on your food tracking and exercise habits.
  • Additional recipes and meal plans: A wider array of options to explore and incorporate into your diet.

In Summary

Healthi presents a versatile and user-friendly platform for anyone looking to improve their eating habits and manage their weight. With its range of plans, tracking capabilities, and community support, Healthi stands out as a potentially effective tool in achieving weight loss goals.

While there are some limitations with the free version and occasional syncing issues, the Pro version offers extensive features that can enhance the user experience significantly.

Whether you're just starting your weight loss journey or looking for a new tool to help you stay on track, Healthi is certainly worth considering.

Our Recommendation

Experience the comprehensive support and proven weight management strategies with Weight Watchers, an investment in your health that's worth the extra value.

Choose Weight Watchers for a personalized and holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond just tracking calories, even if it comes at a higher cost—it's a commitment to your long-term health success.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the Cost of Healthi Compare to Other Diet Apps?

Healthi offers a free version for basic use, providing an accessible entry point for many users. The Pro version, at $59.99 annually, aligns with the pricing of other premium diet apps, offering specialized features such as detailed food tracking and additional weight loss plans. This competitive pricing positions Healthi as a viable option among its peers [1].

What Are the Unique Features of Healthi Compared to Weight Watchers?

Healthi boasts user-friendly navigation and diverse weight loss programs, including options similar to older Weight Watchers plans no longer available. This flexibility and variety cater to a range of preferences and needs, allowing users to personalize their weight loss journey more extensively than some alternatives [1].

Can the Better Balance Plan on Healthi Assist with Portion Control?

Yes, the Better Balance plan is crafted specifically for users who need support with portion control. Focusing on calorie tracking, it provides a structured approach that can be especially beneficial for those who have a balanced diet but need to manage their portions for effective weight loss [4].

How Can Users Cancel Their Healthi Subscription?

Canceling a Healthi subscription involves disabling auto-renew in the iTunes Account Settings. Users must ensure this is done 24 hours before the subscription period ends to prevent automatic renewal .

Are Weight Loss Apps Like Healthi Effective for Losing Weight?

Evidence indicates that apps like Healthi can significantly aid in weight loss, with data suggesting a high percentage of users experience positive results within a week of consistent food tracking. These apps promote accountability and awareness, which are key factors in weight management .

Is There a Free App That Offers Services Similar to Weight Watchers?

While not specifically identical to Weight Watchers, numerous free diet apps provide similar features such as food logging, community engagement, and tailored meal plans. Users are encouraged to explore and find an app that aligns with their specific weight loss goals and lifestyle preferences.

Does Healthi Include a Feature for Tracking Steps?

While Healthi's activity monitor may suggest inclusion, specific details regarding step tracking are not stated. Users interested in this feature should verify within the app's functionalities or consult Healthi's customer support for accurate information.

What Does the Green Dot Indicate in the Healthi App?

For details on the green dot within the Healthi app, users should refer to the app’s user guide or reach out to Healthi's customer service. Such specific feature-related queries are best resolved through direct assistance from the app's support team.

Within the user journey, questions often arise. Here are quick answers to some frequently asked queries:

  • Zero bite foods: Yes, Healthi includes foods that are zero points, similar to WW’s zero-point foods.
  • Cost: The app is free to download with in-app purchases, including the Healthi Pro subscription ranging from $29.99 to $59.99 per year.
  • Calorie display: The app shows calorie counts alongside the bites for each food item.

Explore our Favourite Weight Loss Programs

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Noom’s 5–minute quiz unlocks a weight loss program customized for you – now with GLP-1 options – so you can manage your health and form habits that last.

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