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Does GOLO make you poop?

This article aims to answer that question while providing insight into the GOLO diet, its potential side effects, and how it compares to other diets.

Does GOLO Make You Poop?

The GOLO diet focuses on managing insulin levels, consuming a balanced diet, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. One of the products offered by GOLO is Go-Digest, a dietary supplement formulated to support digestion and gut health.

Go Digest

Taking Go-Digest as recommended with your daily meals may help improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and support regularity and normal bowel movements[1].

While the GOLO diet and its supplements, such as Go-Digest, may promote regular bowel movements due to their focus on fiber-rich whole foods and plant-based options[12], it is essential to note that individual experiences may vary.

Does the GOLO Diet Make You Poop More Often?

Yes, some individuals may experience more frequent bowel movements while on the GOLO diet. This effect is primarily due to the diet's focus on fiber-rich whole foods and plant-based options, which can enhance digestion and promote regularity.

The GOLO diet's main objective is to manage insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation, leading to weight loss as a beneficial result. It's worth mentioning that ingredients like magnesium and zinc in GOLO Release have potential laxative effects, but the specific impact on bowel movements may vary among users.

How Does GOLO Work?

The GOLO diet focuses on three core principles to promote weight loss and improve overall health: managing insulin resistance, consuming a balanced diet, losing weight, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Here's how each principle contributes to the effectiveness of the GOLO diet:

  1. Managing insulin resistance: Insulin resistance is a condition where the body's cells don't respond effectively to insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. The GOLO diet aims to combat insulin resistance by encouraging the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods with a low glycemic index. These foods help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, crucial for weight loss and overall health.
  2. Consuming a balanced diet: The GOLO diet emphasizes the importance of eating a well-balanced diet consisting of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. By focusing on nutrient-dense foods, the diet provides essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients needed for optimal health and weight loss. The diet also discourages processed foods, which often contain added sugars and unhealthy fats that can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.
  3. Adopting a healthier lifestyle: Besides dietary changes, the GOLO diet promotes a healthier lifestyle by encouraging regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management. These factors play a vital role in supporting weight loss and overall well-being.

Furthermore, the GOLO diet includes a Release supplement designed to help manage insulin resistance, support metabolic function, and control blood sugar levels. The Release supplement contains natural ingredients, including magnesium, zinc, and chromium, and plant-based extracts such as Banaba leaf, bitter melon, and Salacia bark.

Combining these core principles and incorporating the Release supplement, the GOLO diet aims to help individuals lose weight, improve insulin sensitivity, and achieve better overall health.

Insulin Management

The GOLO diet program focuses on managing insulin resistance, a condition where the body struggles to process glucose, leading to weight gain and other health issues. The GOLO diet aims to promote weight loss, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health by optimizing insulin levels.

GOLO Release Supplement

The GOLO Release supplement is a central component of the diet, containing a blend of herbs and minerals that claim to support healthy blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Users should take the supplement with each meal to achieve optimal results.


GOLO Diet's Impact on Digestion

The GOLO diet's impact on digestion is primarily positive because it focuses on whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients and fiber. These foods aid digestion by providing essential nutrients and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. The GOLO diet can improve digestion and promote regular bowel movements by emphasizing whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

Additionally, the diet encourages the consumption of plant-based foods without saturated fat, high in fiber, and beneficial for digestive health. On the other hand, the GOLO diet discourages processed foods, which often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients that can negatively affect digestion and overall health.

GOLO Diet Plan

The GOLO diet and eating plan emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients and fiber. These foods can aid digestion and support a healthy gut microbiome.

Whole Foods

Eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can improve digestion by providing essential nutrients and fiber. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, which may be why some people experience more frequent pooping on the GOLO diet.


Processed Foods

The GOLO diet discourages the consumption of processed foods, which often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients that can negatively impact digestion and overall health.

Plant-Based Foods

The diet also promotes the inclusion of plant-based foods, which are rich in fiber and promote regular bowel movements.

Does GOLO make you poop?

Digestive System Impact

The GOLO diet's emphasis on whole foods and plant-based options can increase pooping frequency for some individuals. Fiber-rich foods can help to regulate bowel movements, preventing constipation and promoting regularity.

Colon Broom

Incorporating whole foods in the GOLO diet may have a "colon broom" effect, helping to cleanse the digestive system and support healthy elimination.

Gas and Bloating

Some individuals may initially experience gas and bloating as their bodies adjust to increased fiber intake. However, these side effects should subside as the digestive system adapts to the new diet.

Impact on Weight Loss

Frequent bowel movements can contribute to weight loss by promoting regular elimination and reducing bloating. However, it is essential to remember that weight loss on the GOLO diet primarily comes from improved insulin management, reduced caloric intake, and healthier food choices.

Does GOLO Make You Pee A Lot?

The GOLO diet does not specifically make you pee a lot, but some factors associated with the diet may influence your urination frequency. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, and the GOLO diet recommends drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Adequate water intake can help manage hunger, improve digestion, and support the body's natural detoxification processes. As a result, increased water consumption may lead to more frequent urination.

Additionally, the GOLO diet encourages the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, many of which have high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. These foods can contribute to increased hydration levels, which may also lead to more frequent urination. However, the primary goal of the GOLO diet is to manage insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation, not to specifically influence urination frequency.

It's essential to maintain proper hydration levels while following any diet, including the GOLO diet. Drinking enough water can support various bodily functions, including digestion, metabolism, and kidney function. If you notice a significant change in your urination frequency or experience any discomfort or other symptoms, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

GOLO vs. Weight Watchers

While the GOLO diet and Weight Watchers focus on promoting healthy eating habits and weight loss, they differ in their approaches. Weight Watchers uses a point-based system to track food intake, while GOLO emphasizes managing insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation. Some users may find the GOLO diet more beneficial for regulating bowel movements because it focuses on whole, fiber-rich foods.

Tips for Success on GOLO

To ensure success on the GOLO diet and achieve optimal weight loss and health benefits, follow these tips:

  1. Adopt healthy eating habits: Focus on eating a well-balanced diet, practicing portion control, and remaining consistent with the GOLO meal plan. This will help you manage insulin resistance and support weight loss.
  2. Meal planning: Plan your meals to ensure you have the ingredients to create healthy, balanced meals that align with the GOLO diet guidelines. This will also help you avoid last-minute unhealthy food choices.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for overall health and can help manage hunger and improve digestion. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
  4. Incorporate exercise: Regular physical activity can boost weight loss and improve overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week and strength training exercises on two or more days per week.
  5. Overcome obstacles: Identify potential challenges you may face during your weight loss journey and find solutions to stay on track. This may involve seeking support from a certified health coach or registered dietitian or joining a community of fellow GOLO dieters for motivation and encouragement.
  6. Get sufficient sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support your body's recovery and maintain optimal energy levels.
  7. Monitor your progress: Keep track of your weight loss, dietary changes, and exercise routines to stay accountable and motivated. Regularly assessing your progress can help you make necessary adjustments and celebrate your achievements.
  8. Be patient and persistent: Weight loss is a gradual process, and you must remain patient and consistent with your efforts. Stay committed to the GOLO diet and make sustainable lifestyle changes to achieve long-term success.

Healthy Eating Habits

It is crucial to develop healthy eating habits to maximize the benefits of the GOLO diet. These healthy habits also include eating a well-balanced diet, practicing portion control, and staying consistent with the meal plan.

Meal Planning

Planning your meals can help ensure you have the ingredients to create healthy, balanced meals that align with the GOLO diet guidelines.

Overcoming Diet Obstacles

Identifying potential obstacles and finding solutions can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. This may involve seeking support from a certified health coach or registered dietitian or joining a community of fellow GOLO dieters for motivation and encouragement.

Golo diet reviews

GOLO Diet Reviews and Results

Some users have reported increased bowel movements and improved digestion while following the GOLO diet, which may be attributed to the increased fiber intake from whole foods and plant-based options.

Average Weight Loss

While individual results vary, many users report successful weight loss on the GOLO diet. The diet's focus on whole foods, insulin management, and portion control contributes to a sustainable weight loss journey.

Role of Other Hormones in Weight Loss and Digestion

Apart from insulin, several other hormones play a significant role in weight loss and digestion. Some key hormones include:


Ghrelin is often referred to as the "hunger hormone" because it stimulates appetite and promotes fat storage. It is produced in the stomach and signals the brain to increase food intake. Managing ghrelin levels can help control hunger and contribute to weight loss.


Leptin, known as the "satiety hormone," is produced by fat cells and helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. Leptin resistance can lead to increased appetite and weight gain. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help improve leptin sensitivity.

Adjusting the GOLO Diet for Individual Needs and Preferences

The GOLO diet can be adapted to suit various dietary needs and preferences, such as:

Vegetarian or Vegan Diets

Those following a vegetarian or vegan diet can replace animal-based protein sources with plant-based alternatives like legumes, tofu, tempeh, and seitan.

Gluten-Free Diets

Individuals with gluten intolerance or sensitivity can substitute gluten-containing grains with gluten-free alternatives like quinoa, brown rice, and millet.

Long-Term Sustainability of the GOLO Diet

Maintaining the GOLO diet over the long term may present challenges, but strategies for success include:

  1. Gradually incorporating the diet's principles into your lifestyle to make lasting changes.
  2. Seeking support from friends, family, or online communities to stay motivated and accountable.
  3. Continuing to focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods even after reaching your weight loss goals.

Potential Nutrient Deficiencies

Although the GOLO diet emphasizes whole, nutrient-dense foods, potential nutrient deficiencies may arise from restricted food choices. These can include:

  1. Vitamin B12: Primarily found in animal products, vegetarians and vegans may need to supplement or consume fortified foods.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Individuals avoiding fish should consider alternative sources like flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts or consider supplementation.

Scientific Evidence Supporting the GOLO Diet

The GOLO diet claims to promote weight loss and improve insulin resistance, but more research is needed to establish its effectiveness conclusively. Some studies have shown that low glycemic index diets can help manage insulin resistance, but direct research on the GOLO diet is limited. To make a well-informed decision, individuals should consult healthcare professionals and consider the available evidence.

Cost and Availability of the GOLO Release Supplement

The cost of the GOLO Release supplement may vary depending on the retailer and package size. It can be purchased directly from the GOLO website or through other online retailers. Before purchasing, consumers should consider the cost and potential benefits to determine if the supplement is worth the investment.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Success stories and testimonials from individuals who have followed the GOLO diet can provide valuable insights and motivation. However, it is essential to remember that individual results may vary and that testimonials should be considered alongside scientific evidence when evaluating the diet's effectiveness.

Maintaining Weight Loss After Completing the GOLO Diet

Strategies for maintaining weight loss after completing the GOLO diet include:

  1. Continuing to consume whole, nutrient-dense foods and practicing portion control.
  2. Incorporating regular exercise and maintaining an active lifestyle.
  3. Monitoring progress and adjusting habits as needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Role of Gut Microbiome in Digestion and Weight Loss

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion, metabolism, and weight management. A healthy gut microbiome can improve nutrient absorption, reduce inflammation, and support weight loss. The GOLO diet's emphasis on whole, fiber-rich foods can promote a healthy gut microbiome by providing prebiotics, which serve as food for beneficial gut bacteria. Some ways to further support the gut microbiome include:


Incorporating probiotics, such as those found in yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods, can help improve the balance of gut bacteria and contribute to better digestion and overall health.

Diversifying Your Diet

Consuming a diverse range of plant-based foods can help create a more diverse and robust gut microbiome. Aim to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds in your diet.

Mindful Eating and the GOLO Diet

Practicing mindful eating can enhance the effectiveness of the GOLO diet by encouraging healthier food choices and improving portion control. Some mindful eating strategies include:

  1. Eating slowly and savoring each bite to help recognize satiety cues and prevent overeating.
  2. Minimizing distractions during meals to focus on the taste and texture of the food.
  3. Listening to hunger and fullness signals to avoid overeating or emotional eating.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Setting realistic goals and expectations is crucial for long-term success on the GOLO diet. Some tips for setting achievable goals include:

  1. Focusing on gradual, sustainable weight loss rather than rapid results.
  2. Establishing specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  3. Regularly reassessing goals and adjusting as needed to stay on track and motivated.

Managing Emotional Eating on the GOLO Diet

Emotional eating can hinder weight loss progress and make it challenging to maintain a healthy diet. Strategies for managing emotional eating while following the GOLO diet include:

  1. Identifying triggers for emotional eating, such as stress, boredom, or sadness, and finding alternative coping mechanisms.
  2. Practicing mindfulness and self-compassion to build a healthier relationship with food.
  3. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals to address the root causes of emotional eating.

Comparing the GOLO Diet to Other Popular Diets

The GOLO diet shares some similarities with other popular diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and low-carb diets. Comparing the GOLO diet to these alternatives can help individuals decide which approach best aligns with their needs, preferences, and health goals. It is essential to consider factors such as the diet's emphasis on whole foods, macronutrient balance, and long-term sustainability when making a decision.


In conclusion, the GOLO diet may lead to more frequent bowel movements for some individuals due to its emphasis on fiber-rich whole foods and plant-based options. While this can contribute to weight loss, it is essential to remember that the primary goal of the GOLO diet is to manage insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation. By adopting healthy eating habits, practicing portion control, and staying consistent with the meal plan, users can experience weight loss programs that improve digestion and overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does GOLO make you poop more often?

Some individuals may experience more frequent bowel movements on the GOLO diet due to its emphasis on whole foods and fiber-rich plant-based options.

Is the increased pooping frequency a sign that GOLO is working?

While increased bowel movements can contribute to weight loss, it is essential to remember that the primary goal of the GOLO diet is to keep body weight and manage insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation.

Are there any adverse side effects of the GOLO diet on digestion?

Some individuals may initially experience gas and bloating as their bodies adjust to increased fiber intake. However, these side effects should subside as the digestive system adapts to the new diet.

How does the GOLO diet impact weight loss?

The GOLO diet promotes weight loss by improving insulin management, reducing caloric intake, and emphasizing healthier choices, including whole and plant-based options.

How does the GOLO diet compare to weight loss programs like Weight Watchers?

While the GOLO diet and Weight Watchers focus on promoting healthy eating habits and weight loss, they differ in their approaches. Weight Watchers uses a point-based system to track food intake, while GOLO emphasizes calorie intake and managing insulin resistance through dietary changes and supplementation.

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